Thanks to our 2024 interns for their hard work and dedication to DBP! Here are all of this year’s interns and a little bit of what they’ve accomplished.

Marley Kinser, a graduate student in urban planning at Hunter College, has been an invaluable member of DBP’s Public Space + Operations team this summer. Marley has helped support the Fulton Mall Streetscape Revitalization project, researched opportunities for trash containerization throughout the district, and contributed design and mapping supporting Downtown Brooklyn’s tree canopy inventory, holiday lights planning, and a range of other public space projects. 

Alina Butareva, a recent MCRP graduate of Rutgers Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy, worked with DBP’s Real Estate team, supporting DBP projects large and small. She contributed to our quarterly real estate report; updating our residential and office databases, and canvassing and mapping our local retail businesses. She also conducted research on mapping development sites as it relates to the City of Yes legislation, and supported our StoryMap research that highlighted the 20th anniversary of the Downtown Brooklyn rezoning.

Ryan Clark, a graduate student in urban planning at Columbia University, has been supporting the Marketing team across a wide range of projects. From on-site support at DBP’s Downtown Brooklyn Presents events, to website updates, creation of digital content, and social media, Ryan has pitched in with great gusto and been an invaluable member of the team.

Will Fainaru, also an urban planning graduate student at Columbia University, has assisted greatly with the organization and support of DBP events. Will has helped ensure that each event runs smoothly, and has enthusiastically engaged with event attendees to inform them about all of the important work DBP does.