Field: media + production
Est: 2011
hq: 275 flatbush avenue ext.

Planet X Studios is the place to go for all your production needs. Inconspicuously located in the former car wash on Willoughby and Flatbush, the studio transformed the building into 8,300 square feet of high-quality production space. With multiple podcast studios, a green screen, top of the line virtual production setup, and more, there’s almost nothing they can’t do. We had the chance to tour the studio with partner and co-founder Darin Friedman and learn about the company’s inception, multi-dimensional services, and in-house creations.  

Founded 12 years ago as a record label, Planet X ultimately switched from artist management to focus on video and production work. Seeing a unique opportunity in the vacant car wash at 275 Flatbush Ave Ext., they moved from Prince Street in Brooklyn to build out a new studio, where they’ve been since 2020. 

The production space offers two fully equipped podcast studios and a large green screen setup, and a virtual production stage at the center of it all that uses LED volume – a top-of-the-line production method using the same technology that Disney, Dreamworks, and other major companies use, but on a smaller scale. A lot is going on in the studio and the open plan of the main production space allows plenty of room to accommodate different project types and sizes.  

The variety of equipment attracts clients shooting music videos, commercials, short films and recording podcasts, voice overs and beyond! As Darin explained, they can essentially help clients at all project stages with any production needs. “We have a lot of options and flexibility, whether it’s designing the entire creative process from start to finish or helping clients who come in with a fleshed-out concept and only need us to supply the production work.” Planet X’s client list is as diverse as the services they offer, including familiar names like Citibank, Barnes and Noble, Reebok, and even Ice-T.  

A dedicated staff of 7 and their partner contractors use different areas of expertise to make every project possible. In addition to assisting clients in creating content, they have several in-house productions of their own. Their Netflix show, “The Longest Third Date” debuted early in 2023, and they have another show, “The Art of Moving Music”, currently in production. Clients who aren’t seeking to create standard film content can work with Planet X Studios to help them create explainer videos and animations for product marketing. Clients also often book the space for fashion shows and photo shoots. The options are boundless.  

Planet X Studios is dedicated to versatility and continues to expand services and client reach, and has no signs of slowing down. Follow them on Instagram to see what they’re all about, learn about events, open studio days and more.

If you have a company and are looking to find space in Downtown Brooklyn, please contact