We are excited to unveil the findings of our 2024 Downtown Brooklyn Community Survey! This year, we connected with over 150 residents, workers, students, and visitors to get their perspectives on what makes Downtown Brooklyn special and how we can continue to enhance the neighborhood for everyone. The feedback we received will help guide our efforts to make Downtown Brooklyn even better. Read on to explore the key findings!

To kick off our survey, we asked participants to share their age group, and the results showed that the largest segment was between the ages of 25-39, highlighting the young professional demographic central to the neighborhood. Their influence is evident in the area’s social scene and the growing demand for amenities that cater to an active, urban lifestyle. As Downtown Brooklyn continues to evolve, this age demographic remains central to its ongoing growth and appeal.

Impressively, 102 (67%) of respondents revealed that they live in the area, underscoring the area’s growing population that calls Downtown Brooklyn home. This significant majority highlights the neighborhood’s appeal not just as a place to work or visit, but as an attractive place to live.

To the question “what do you like most about Downtown Brooklyn,” the responses were clear. As reflected in the word cloud below, the neighborhood’s top assets include accessibility, shopping, and convenience, showing how Downtown Brooklyn is a hub for easy living and vibrant activity.

We asked participants how they travel to, from, and within Downtown Brooklyn and found that most people either take the subway or walk, reflecting the area’s excellent public transit options and walkability.

We asked participants to rank what public realm initiatives they would like to see more of in Downtown Brooklyn on a scale of 1 to 10. While the responses were varied, it’s clear that bike parking , followed by public plazas and open streets, and outdoor dining options are highly sought after.

When asked what kinds of public programming they’d like to see, respondents noted greatest interest in seeing more arts and culture, and music and dance events.

Thankfully most people agree that we program just the right number of neighborhood events.

And lastly, we asked participants whether they would recommend a friend or family member live, work, or visit the neighborhood. An impressive 83% said yes – a result that is not surprising, considering how Downtown Brooklyn boasts great accessibility.

The results of our survey have provided invaluable insights into the needs and preferences of those who frequent Downtown Brooklyn. From the young adult demographic that defines much of our community, to the overwhelming call for more bike parking racks, it’s clear that the neighborhood is evolving with the people who love it. Thank you to everyone who participated —together, we’re shaping the future of Downtown Brooklyn!