The Mobile Drag Performance Unit is a series of pop-up curbside drag shows that celebrate the art of drag while creating enlivenment through community engagement and performance. Bringing something usually relegated to the interior of a bar or restricted by age requirements, this mobile unit aims at creating accessibility by turning the interior inside out, transplanting, accessorizing, glamming with neon, all set on wheels, a rolling stage of fun.
Drag is an art form that actualizes transformation in society. They are the paratroopers of the LGBTQ+ community, as frontline fighters for social equality, all while inspiring and bringing a smile to your face. At the height of the AIDS crisis, they provided hope and refuge to a community ravaged by a plague. It is captivating to see a new generation of performers step up, lift our spirits, and help us get through another dark time: the catastrophe that is COVID-19.
Featuring performances by Brita filter, Lagoona Bloo, DJ Lady Simon; Robyn Banks, Robin Fierce, Lola Michele Kiki, Hibiscus, DJ IVENCHY; Scarlet Envy, Xunami Muse, Essa Noche, DJ Loyaalteee and more. Photos by Martyna Szczęsna and DBP
Grants like the Downtown Brooklyn + Dumbo Art Fund allow projects such as FagSigns to leap out of the studio and onto the streets, bringing what we love to do to groups of individuals and community members outside our immediate network. When you dream big, it can be hard to find funding to do big. The funds provided by this grant will touch so many lives and provide for folks in need of reprieve during the current economic and social climate.
Matthew Day Perez, GEO (Gay Executive Officer) FagSigns